LCA Care Plan

Get The Best Help For Your WordPress Website

Your Website Is Crucial To Your Business

Your website is crucial to your business. It is a channel through which your customers, suppliers, potential partners and new staff will find you and engage with you. It generates leads, customers and revenue (at least it should). It is vital to the success of your business; and you want peace of mind that it will be up and available for your audience 24/7.

All Software Is Vulnerable

All Software needs updating. Including the software that powers your website. The world is getting smaller as more and more connect to the web and that means that it is only going to get harder to keep up, let alone stay ahead of the pack. Your competitors are innovating with new websites and online strategies. More and more websites are getting hacked, including the big Companies like Apple and HBO, as well as millions of small businesses everyday. It is the world we live in unfortunately.

Do It Yourself?

Keeping your website secure , up to date and backed up and can be a little tedious and time consuming. It takes you away from what you should be doing, which is building relationships with your customers, staff and partners. The technology continues to evolve and there is just no way you can keep up with all the trends and developments.

Basic Help

There are plenty of options for you to manage your website and keep it up to date by the same company that hosts it. They do it for thousands of customers every day. That means they are experienced. It also means they might not be paying attention to the details of your website and business needs. They Just offer Generic Help that may or may not help your website.

What Do We Offer?

We’ll do all the nitty gritty tedious things you don’t want to do so you can just enjoy being a superhero to your audience. 

We will perform an unlimited number of small tasks on your website throughout the month to make sure every piece of content and code is perfect.

We know every line of code and all of the variables your website is built on very well. We’ve been using it for over 7 years and all of our websites (including this one) are built on the same software. So we are in the best position to keep your website up and running and open for business and we can do that with one of our Website Care Plans.

We Need To Know More About You

So in all honesty, we’re only interested in working with clients who understand the value their website adds to their business. Hence we have made our website care plans available by application only.

Please review the plans below and use the form at the bottom of this page to get in touch and see if you qualify.

This service is designed to offer you peace of mind and the assurance that you have a skilled partner who can help you achieve your online objectives.

Standard – Investment $299 $497/month

Our Standard plan is perfect if you just need your website maintained and a little bit of assistance with basic content management.

Includes the following:

Premium – Investment $ 499 $997/month

Our Premium plan is perfect if you are adding features or functionality to your website on a regular basis.

It includes all of the Standard benefits plus :


All sessions are handled by telephone or Skype.

*Unlimited small tasks include any task that takes us less than 30 minutes to complete and typically covers things like adding a testimonials section or a staff profile section to your website. These tasks do not cover advanced features such as a complete online shop or membership section.

There is no contract for any of these plans and you are free to cancel any time. These plans are offered on a subscription basis and do need to be paid monthly in advance.


Basic Support
$ 299 Monthly
  • All software updated
  • Daily and Weekly Backups
  • 24/7 monitoring and support to make sure your site is always available for your customers.
  • Two scheduled small tasks per month to assist you with basic content management across the site.


Optimal Support
$ 499 Monthly
  • All software updated
  • Daily and Weekly Backups
  • 24/7 monitoring and support to make sure your site is always available for your customers.
  • Scans for broken links so we keep the search engines happy.
  • Monthly Coaching Calls and Advice
  • Unlimited small tasks to assist you manage the contents on your website.


The Best Experience
$ 899 Monthly
  • All software updated
  • Daily and Weekly Backups
  • 24/7 monitoring and support to make sure your site is always available for your customers.
  • Scans for broken links so we keep the search engines happy.
  • Unlimited small tasks to assist you manage the contents on your website.
  • Constant tweaking of website to get more visitors from search engines.


Use the form below to apply for one of our website care plans and we’ll get in touch to see if we’re a good fit.